Ball Road and Sunkist Street Intersection Widening Project
Intersection of Ball Road and Sunkist Street
September 2017 - June 2018
This project consists of street improvements at the intersection of Ball and Sunkist by widening Ball Road along the south curb west of the intersection and widening Ball Road along the north and south curb east of the intersection. This will provide for an exclusive westbound right turn lane while adding a third westbound through lane. The existing median on Ball Road will be removed. This project will also widen Sunkist Street along the east and west curbs north and south of the intersection to provide for a second southbound left turn lane on Sunkist Street.
Project LocationTo see project details click the enlarge icon " [ ] " on the map below:
Project Features
Project TeamContractor: Shawnan
(562) 803-9977 City Inspector: Dany Mazraani (714) 231-8373 Funding SourcesBond Funded Water Capital, Electric Bond Funded Capital, Measure M2- Competitive, Gas Tax 2107: $4,200,000
Parking“No-Parking” signs will be posted in advance to restrict parking in construction zones. Please adhere to the dates and hours on the posted signs.
Traffic ConsiderationDuring construction, there will be traffic lane closures; therefore, traffic disruptions shall be expected.
For More Information
To request this in an alternative format please call (714)765-5281 or TTY (714)765-5125. The City prohibits discrimination.

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