Anaheim Resort Electric Line Extension Project
Cerritos Ave., Anaheim Blvd., Walnut Street, Magic Way, Disneyland Drive and South Street
Spring 2017 - Winter 2018
This project will improve electric service reliability for the area and to provide additional electrical capacity for Disney’s expansion projects’ three new electrical Switching Stations (SS) 13-15.
Project LocationTo see project details click the enlarge icon " [ ] " on the map below:
Project Features
Project TeamProject Managers: Robert Palaeologus and Rod Yong
Contractor: ASPLUNDH Construction Corp. (714) 822-9964 City Inspector: Fernando Huizar (714) 231-8371 Funding SourcesElectric Bond Funded Capital: $8,500,000.00
Parking“No-Parking” signs will be posted in advance to restrict parking in construction zones. Please adhere to the dates and hours on the posted signs.
Traffic ConsiderationDuring construction, there will be traffic lane closures; therefore, traffic disruptions shall be expected.
For More Information
To request this in an alternative format please call (714)765-5281 or TTY (714)765-5125. The City prohibits discrimination.

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